This one sheet will inform you about networking with Evan Mestman

30-Second Introduction

Evan Mestman is the Chief Gratitude Officer and Founder of ProAttitudes, a Health, Wellness, and Mindset coaching company for business leaders who want to live their lives with less stress, more energy, and better health. Evan has helped thousands of business leaders change their lifestyle using his B3 Method, Become. Be Strong. Be Grateful. The coaching method, developed by Evan, focuses on healthy thinking, eating, and living, ONE CHOICE AT A TIME.

Current Projects/Priorities

Evan is looking to grow ProAttitudes. He wants to reach 100 business leaders that want to learn how to live life as they’ve always dreamed of and help them through his online ProAttitudes Coaching Program. Know any CEOs or business owners that want to improve their corporate culture, decrease sick time, and maximize productivity? Evan would love to meet them to teach them and their employees how to achieve a healthier relationship with food, find a way to make exercise a habit, and live a more fulfilling lifestyle.

Centers of Influence To Introduce To

Evan Mestman wants to meet Financial Planners who talk to clients who are considering their next chapter in life and who need help creating the habits that will bring them to a fulfilling retirement. He wants to meet Insurance Brokers who are helping their clients get the best ROI for their insurance but need to lose weight, lower their blood pressure, or improve other health related issues that are threatening their eligibility. Evan also wants to meet CEOs and Directors of HR who are interested in having a dynamic keynote speaker inspire change in their companies.

How to
Introduce Evan

Meet Evan Mestman, the Chief Gratitude Officer and Founder of ProAttitudes who is an author, professional speaker, and community builder. Evan is a dynamic speaker and has an impressive history of working with companies such as 3M, Estee Lauder, and ADP delivering his unique approach to health and wellness, helping people change, ONE CHOICE AT A TIME. I highly recommend talking with Evan about his dynamic presentations and insights. You can reach Evan via email at [email protected]. I’ll let you both take it from here.

Skills, Experience, and Passions
You Can Leverage

Professional Speaker, Registered Dietitian, Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist, Diabetes Educator, Sales Process Expert, Cook, Author, Adjunct Professor, Experienced Health Coach, Mindset Expert, Runner, Marathoner, Personal Trainer, Gardener, Volunteer

Best Way To Contact

Phone Number

(516) 639-3605


Evan Mestman, Huntington, NY 11743

Email Address

[email protected]

habits of healthy eating with proattitudes

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