Step 1 of 10
This quiz will help you create clarity on where you are living your life well and where you need to focus to thrive. This is a complete lifestyle challenges review in minutes.
Are you interested in learning where you need to focus in order to improve your health? I can help you out there….
Your answers to the questions will be confidential and used only to help seek clarity in those areas.
In order to get the most accurate results from the lifestyle assessment, we need to collect some data about you. Please fill in the form below to continue
this is optional data, but will assist in more accurate results and action plans
Your body generates energy when you need it and allows it to power down when you need to get rest to recharge.
Your body sometimes generates energy when you need it and allows it to power down when you need to get rest to recharge but it’s not consistent.
Your body doesn’t always generate energy when you need it and doesn’t always allow it to power down when you need to get rest to recharge.
You have a healthy relationship with your eating habits.
Some of your eating habits may be preventing you from reaching your goals.
You would benefit from working with a health coach to help improve your eating habits.
You have a healthy attitude towards stress and how to effectively handle it.
You have healthy attitudes towards stress but others may be hindering your productivity.
You have some healthy attitudes towards stress but others may be hindering your productivity.
You have a healthy process for creating and maintaining healthy relationships through the choices you make.
You have some parts of a healthy process for creating and maintaining healthy relationships through the choices you make.
You have some unhealthy habits that may be hindering you from creating and maintaining healthy relationships through the choices you make.
Through the choices you make you have a flexible, cardiovascularly-fit, and strong body.
Through some of the choices you make you are on your way to a flexible, cardiovascularly-fit, and strong body.
Through the choices you make you are not developing a flexible, cardiovascularly-fit, and strong body.
You have a good understanding of your self-worth and are able to create, recognize, and express your feelings well and feel gratitude.
You have some understanding of your self-worth and are able to create, recognize, and express your feelings well most of the time but find it hard to feel gratitude sometimes.
You have challenges understanding your self-worth and sometimes have difficulty creating, recognizing, and expressing your feelings well and have a hard time feeling gratitude.
You make choices to promote your overall wellness and are thriving.
You may make choices to promote your overall wellness but you have some challenges to feel your best.
You sometimes make choices to promote your overall wellness but not enough to thrive.
FEW LIFESTYLE CHALLENGES AFFECTING YOU. STRONG and RESILIENT You seem to be resilient and in tune with the 6 key areas of your wellness. Congratulations. You are thriving, not just surviving!
SOME LIFESTYLE CHALLENGES MAY BE AFFECTING YOU. You may have some of the 6 key areas of your wellness that require attention. Focusing on some of these areas with a health coach will help you thrive rather than just survive.
LIFESTYLE CHALLENGES MAY BE IMPACTING YOUR HEALTH. You have identified many obstacles with the 6 key areas of your wellness that require your attention. Focusing on many of these areas with a health coach will help you thrive rather than just survive.
Send us your answers now and we’ll send your results straight to your inbox.
This short assessment will only take you about 5 to 10 minutes to complete by answering questions focused on the 6 main areas of your health.
First Last
Your AgeYour Height (ins.)Your Weight (lbs.)Goal Weight (lbs.)Your SexMaleFemaleYour Marital StatusSingle, Never MarriedMarriedSingle DivorcedRe-MarriedYour Current MoodExcitedHappyCarefreeCalmBoredGloomyTenseIrritated
Not a Problem Rarely / Sometimes a Problem Frequent Problem Constant Problem. Want to Fix Definitely Must Fix!
Not a Problem Rarely / Sometimes a Problem Frequent Problem Fix! Serious Problem Critical, Must Fix!
HiddenEnergy Quotient
HiddenEating Quotient
HiddenStress Quotient
HiddenRelationship Quotient
HiddenExercise Quotient
HiddenMy Inner/Outer Connection Quotient
HiddenMy Wellness Quotient HiddenMy Lifestyle Quotient