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Discover Your Lifestyle Wellness Quotient Score!

This quiz will help you create clarity on where you are living your life well and where you need to focus to thrive. This is a complete lifestyle challenges review in minutes.

Are you interested in learning where you need to focus in order to improve your health? I can help you out there….

Your answers to the questions will be confidential and used only to help seek clarity in those areas.

This short assessment will only take you about 5 to 10 minutes to complete by answering questions focused on the 6 main areas of your health.


Some info about you

In order to get the most accurate results from the lifestyle assessment, we need to collect some data about you. Please fill in the form below to continue

this is optional data, but will assist in more accurate results and action plans

My Energy Challenges

I can’t get through the day without an extra cup of coffee or energy drink.

Even after a full night’s sleep I often wake up feeling tired.

I don’t have the energy to exercise most days.

When asked to participate in sports, walks, or hikes, I pass because I just don’t have the energy.

I don’t get enough sleep for my body/mind to function at the level I used to 10 years ago.

When I’m tired, I usually choose foods/drinks with sugar in them to pick me up. (i.e., candy bar, donuts, cookies, soda).

I find it hard to focus on one thing for extended periods of time (i.e., >1 hour)

I tend to multitask all day instead of blocking time out just for 1 thing to focus on.

I wake up more than two times in the night to go to the bathroom and find it hard to fall back to sleep.

I get tired after eating a meal high in starchy foods (i.e., bread, pasta, rice, etc.)


My Eating Challenges

I have a trouble planning meals and end up ordering take-out more than I want.

I compulsively buy food rather than stick to a grocery list.

I’m not motivated to shop, prepare, cook and clean up most days for lunch and/or dinner.

I sometime skip meals and get over hungry at the next meal.

I get thirsty often but don’t always have time to drink water.

I eat plenty of meat (chicken, fish, beef, pork, lamb) and potatoes but have a hard time with getting 5 or more vegetable and fruit servings in per day.

I have a hard time finding enough fiber to eat at each meal.

When I go out to eat, I overindulge in the bread basket.

I get overwhelmed when there are too many choices on a menu and tend to eat the same thing.

I eat until I’m full most nights but would feel better if I ate until I’m satisfied.

I eat to feel full sometimes, even when the food tastes mediocre

I always seem to be on or off a diet, but I always go back to my old habits.

I rarely plan my meals. I eat when I can and what's most convenient.

I'm a vegetarian (includes vegan) but have a hard time planning my meals.

I eat when I’m not hungry, especially when I’m stressed.

When I’m busy, I forget to eat, even when I get hungry (I ignore the cues).

I am uncertain as to what to eat to reach my goals.

I know what to eat to reach my goals, but I don’t do it.

My doctor told me I need to change my eating habits or I will end up on medication.

My eating habits are negatively impacting my health.

I sometime go all day without drinking water.

When I eat high fat foods (fried foods, cheeseburgers and fries, ribs, etc.) I tend to get an upset stomach (loose bowel movements).

After I eat, I tend to get gassy.

Sometimes I eat when I think I’m hungry, but if I have a glass of water first, my hunger goes away.

When I eat out, I tend to eat until I’m full or stuffed rather than until I’m just satisfied.


My Stress Challenges

I constantly worry about things that haven’t happened yet. (what if)

I wake up at night and can’t get back to sleep because my mind won’t shut off.

I constantly question my decisions.

I enjoy a big win or an achievement, but the sense of accomplishment doesn’t last and I have to look for another challenge quickly.

I procrastinate, especially when I have a deadline or an important goal to achieve.

I am super critical of myself and judge myself harshly.

When I look in the mirror, I am very unhappy with what I see.

I lack coping skills to manage my stress, such as breathing techniques, meditation, and journaling.

I depend on medication to manage my stress levels.

I depend on medication to get to sleep at night.

I am worried about my future when it comes to finance.

I am worried about my future when it comes to family issues.

I am worried about my future when it comes to coping with anxiety.

I am worried about my future when it comes to my career, work, or school.


My Relationship Challenges

I find it hard to empathize with others (put myself in their shoes and share their feelings)

I have trouble making long term friendships.

I argue with my family, friends, and loved ones often.

I find it hard to let others be right, even when I’m wrong.

I do a poor job of explaining my feelings to others.

I have difficulty saying no.

I work hard to please and take care of others, especially at the expense of myself.

I am often overly judgmental of mistakes people make.

I’d rather sit at home alone and watch TV or read than go out and socialize with my friends.


My Exercise Challenges

I find it difficult to commit to a regular exercise program (4-6x per week)

I like to exercise but can never find the time to exercise.

I feel tired when I exercise.

I get so sore when I exercise so I avoid it.

I’m a seasonal exerciser, depending on the weather.

I have a medical condition that makes exercise difficult.

I exercise so I can eat what I want regardless of my choices.

I used to exercise regularly, but things changed (i.e., COVID) and I can’t find a way to get back to it.


My Inner/Outer Connection Challenges

I have a hard time seeing my future as I want it be.

It's a challenge for me to get passionate about my work.

I often hear my self-talk as critical and very reactive. ("how could I do that?!" "I'm so stupid!")

I often find myself wasting time on things I can't control.

I often feel like a victim, especially when I'm in a difficult situation.

I find it diffucult to be grateful for what I have because I'm not where I want to be yet.

I don't have a personal mission statement to refer to to keep me a path to success.

I have people in my inner circle that "suck the juice" out of me but I can't figure out how to change that.

I am overly absorbed in one role of my life to the disadvantage of the others.

I rarely set goals for myself and don't consider writing them down daily.

I rarely sit down and read a book.

I lack willpower to do things I want to do and accomplish my goals.

I rarely have time to invite a friend for dinner or send a letter to reconnect with someone

I find it hard to forgive someone for something, even when I don't remember what they did to slight me.

I rarely find time just for myself to sit and relax and "recharge my battery".

I find it hard to put my smart phone down, even when I in a conversation, working, or eating, especially if I hear or see an alert.

I have a hard time embracing optimism (seeing the glass half full instead of half empty).

I have a hard time finding humor in things and don't laugh often.


My Wellness Challenges

I'm unhappy with my appearance and want to lose weight.

I often feel bloated and gassy.

I am constipated.

I keep getting sick.

I have heartburn or acid reflux.

I have brainfog and can't think as clearly as I'd like.

I have acne or other skin issues

My doctor says I have high cholesterol

I frequently feel overwhelmed and anxious.

I feel tired all the time.

I sweat profusely, even when I'm not hot.

I have cold and clammy hands, even when I'm warm.

I have chronic bad breath.

When I urinate, my urine is dark colored (like apple juice).

My nails are brittle and don't grow in strong.

I fall asleep after dinner, usually in front of the TV.

I feel like I have a hard time consciously switching off to get a mental and phyisical recharge.

I tend to feel disconnected from my sense of belonging and wellbeing.



Your Energy:

10 – 20

Your body generates energy when you need it and allows it to power down when you need to get rest to

Your Energy:

21 – 30

Your body sometimes generates energy when you need it and allows it to power down when you need to
get rest to recharge but it’s not consistent.

Your Energy:

21 – 30

Your body doesn’t always generate energy when you need it and doesn’t always allow it to power down when
you need to get rest to recharge.

Your Eating:

24 – 60

You have a healthy relationship with your eating habits.

Your Eating:


Some of your eating habits may be preventing you from reaching your goals.

Your Eating:


You would benefit from working with a health coach to help improve your eating habits.

Your Stress:


You have a healthy attitude towards stress and how to effectively handle it.

Your Stress:


You have healthy attitudes towards stress but others may be hindering your productivity.

Your Stress:


You have some healthy attitudes towards stress but others may be hindering your productivity.

Your Relationships:


You have a healthy process for creating and maintaining healthy relationships through the choices you make.

Your Relationships:


You have some parts of a healthy process for creating and maintaining healthy relationships through the choices you make.

Your Relationships:


You have some unhealthy habits that may be hindering you from creating and maintaining healthy relationships through the choices you make.

Your Exercise:


Through the choices you make you have a flexible, cardiovascularly-fit, and strong body.

Your Exercise:


Through some of the choices you make you are on your way to a flexible, cardiovascularly-fit, and strong body.

Your Exercise:


Through the choices you make you are not developing a flexible, cardiovascularly-fit, and strong body.

Your Inner/Outer Connections:


You have a good understanding of your self-worth and are able to create, recognize, and express your feelings well and feel gratitude.

Your Inner/Outer Connections:


You have some understanding of your self-worth and are able to create, recognize, and express your feelings well most of the time but find it hard to feel gratitude sometimes.

Your Inner/Outer Connections:


You have challenges understanding your self-worth and sometimes have difficulty creating, recognizing, and expressing your feelings well and have a hard time feeling gratitude.

Your Wellness:


You make choices to promote your overall wellness and are thriving.

Your Wellness:


You may make choices to promote your overall wellness but you have some challenges to feel your best.

Your Wellness:


You sometimes make choices to promote your overall wellness but not enough to thrive.

Your Total Lifestyle Quotient :


You seem to be resilient and in tune with the 6 key areas of your wellness. Congratulations. You are thriving, not just surviving!

Your Total Lifestyle Quotient:


You may have some of the 6 key areas of your wellness that require attention. Focusing on some of these areas with a health coach will help you thrive rather than just survive.

Your Total Lifestyle Quotient:


You have identified many obstacles with the 6 key areas of your wellness that require your attention. Focusing on many of these areas with a health coach will help you thrive rather than just survive.

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